Friday, April 6, 2012

How to get Logged In portal user profile in theme

a) To get basic user information in theme if the user is logged in

1) Use following tag lib to get basic user attribute value
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portal-fmt" %>

<portal-logic:if loggedIn="yes">
<portal-fmt:user attribute="cn"/>

attribute value can be any value defined in your websphere member manager directory. 

2) To get the list of groups the user belongs to use the below code snippet
<% user= (;
if(user!=null) {
    java.util.List groupsList = user.getGroups();
        for (int i=0; i< groups.size() ; i++){
   group = (;
            System.out.println("group common name = " +group.getCommonName());
            System.out.println("group  name = " +group.getName());

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

WP7 Enabling anonymous users search Portal public pages

To enable Portal Anonymous users search public pages you have to make Search and Browse portlet  or the search center portlet available to the anonymous users to that they can access these portlets without logging in to the portal.
Also you have to enable public sessions for you portal. by default public sessions are disabled. A session is created only after the user logs in to the portal .

Follow the below steps to enable anonymous search for Portal:-

1) Create a public page and add Search and Browse portlet or the Search Center portlet on that page.
2) Give Anonymous users permission to access these portlets , to do this login to Portal Administration -> Portlets and search for "Search" as shown below

Click on the little key icon on search and browse portlet. This will take you to Resource Permissions page.
Click on little pencil icon for User and click Add on the next page and select All Authenticatd Portal Users and Anonymous Portal Users -> and apply the changes.  Make the similar changes to Search Center portlet as well.

3) Give the anonymous users permission to the search collections.
to do this click on Resource Permissions-> PSE Sources
this page will show all the available search collections.
click on the assign access icon for the collection you want to give anonymous search permisson
and click edit role icon for the User and add Anonynmous Portal User and All Authenticated Portal users  and apply the changes.

4) Give the anonymous users access to Search Scope
in Portal Administration click Manage search-> Search Scopes and click on edit search scope

and select Yes for Visible to Anonymous users as shown below. 

and click ok.

5) Enable Public sessions on portal:- to do this login to WAS administration console
Navigate to Resources ->Resource Environment ->Resouce Environment Providers ->
and click Wp_Navigator Service

then click on Custom Properties ->New
and add the below property

and apply the changes.

after all the above steps are done go ahead and restart both WAS and Portal servers.
After both the servers are started Anonymous users will be able to use the search public pages of your portal.

** if you have search as part of the theme and you dont want to add different search page, then
make the Search Center page accessible to anonymous users.

go to Administration -> Manage Pages -> content root->
click on set page permission for Search Center page and add Anonymous users group to this page. this will make the search bar visible to anonymous users on the skin.