Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Installing Websphere portal 8

First extract all the zip files to  a temp folder. you should be able to see the below folders.

open setup folder under temp and run setup.exe ,setup.sh or setup64.exe based on your operating system.

select Install portal and click on Install IBMWebsphere portal from media

this downloads and installs the installation manage.
once the installation manager is installed restart the installation manager.
and click Install.
 select the products you want to install and click next.
Accept the terms and conditions

 Select the portalserver and appserver installation locations and click next and select full install and click next and enter the admin userid and password and click next.
in the next screen click install.

if the installer asks for the repository
select  disk1 under was  folder for App server
as shown in the fig below
. and disk 1 under portal for portal server and disk 1 under Enable for portal enable.

 select user portal first steps option and click finish after the installation is complete.


on the first steps launcher selectwork with ibm websphere portal option and click on login to ibmwebsphere protal

Login to portal 8 using your admin userid and pwd you used whileinstalling portal.

this is how it looks like after you login to portal